Code Enforcement Officer
The Code Enforcement Officer (CEO) is Josh Berry. 
Josh can be reached at his email: and will respond at his earliest convenience. 
Hours of availability will be every Wednesday.
It's a busy time of year and permits are valid for 1 Year!
Permits take time to review. Some permits will go to the Planning Board which meets once a month. Those permits are reviewed prior to including it on the agenda for those meetings.  Along with missing information, the number of permits waiting for review and site visits can add to the time it takes for your permit to be processed.  Depending on our project, you may need to submit for a Permit by Rule to DEP.
Attention: All waterfront property owners! Shoreland Zoning regulations along with town ordinances apply to you. Just about everything except a very dead tree requires permitting whether from the Town, DEP or another agency. No new permanent structures are allowed within the 100' of the lakes or 75' of the rivers (some exceptions exist). Consider it the buffer or no zone. This includes campers, decking, permanent kayak racks, concrete patios, sheds, etc. Refer to the Shoreland Zoning Ordinance and Building & Property Maintenance on our website. Permit by Rule (DEP) information can be found online as well. Are you planning on clearing trees? Doing groundwork? Did you know you can replant/revegetate for those lots that have been over cleared in the past for the "view"? Is there something recently added or other work done on your lot without a permit? No work that requires a permit should be started until that permit is approved and not knowing you needed a permit, is not acceptable. Contact the CEO with questions or concerns. The busy season is here, and the CEO and DEP will be working together to resolve any violations. We need to work together to protect the resource.


Planning Board meetings will be held on 3RD Tuesday of each month at Town Office, 21 Elm St, at 6 PM (providing there is permits to process) Agenda of meetings will be posted at the Town Office on the lobby bulletin board.  Meeting dates are subject to change.


The Local Plumbing Inspector (LPI) is Philip Stevens.  He is available on an on-call basis by phone at 774-276-0854. He will set up appointments as needed and meet clients at the project sites within the Town of Hartland. Please call him for all your Plumbing and Septic System/Design questions.




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